Our support for your contribution to a Greener Meeting
Travel to Vienna by the Austrian train system (ÖBB) at discounted rates and reduce your CO² emissions!
Have you planned to travel to Vienna by train?
Do you want to avoid short-distance flights or car rides and parking issues?
EFAS and the ÖBB collaborate to provide train tickets at discounted rates.
Click on the link below and enter the TAN code there. You will then be able to register as a new customer using your email address and book your journey to the EFAS 2025 Congress in a relaxed manner. Please note that each person has to create a new ÖBB account specifically for this congress. It is not possible to use an existing ÖBB account as each e-mail address can only be used once in the ÖBB booking system.

Registering entitles you to a 22% discount on the ÖBB standard fare, 10% off the international standard fare, and a special price for the ÖBB Nightjet when making your booking. Your customer account for the congress will automatically be deleted after the event and therefore after your return journey.
Tickets can be booked 6 months in advance – when the ÖBB releases the timetables. Travel can begin 3 days before the congress (e.g. from May 11, 2025) and must end no later than 3 days after the congress (May 20, 2025). Only then will the discount take effect. The corresponding discounts are automatically deducted from the prices displayed.